By the age of 15, I knew what it was like to have family responsibilities. Attending school was my last priority. I had to work in the mines and labour […]
By the age of 15, I knew what it was like to have family responsibilities. Attending school was my last priority. I had to work in the mines and labour […]
In National Reconciliation Week, the UNAA Young Professionals Queensland heard from inspiring speakers on Sat 30 May in our first online webinar. We were informed, inspired, and engaged by young […]
Geography classes at school have likely taught you that there are five oceans on Earth. That said, if you grab a globe and try to determine where one ocean ends […]
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are frequently told how to look after the health of ourselves and our communities. Maintaining high levels of basic hygiene, including frequent […]
In 2020, we are faced with two simultaneous global crises. The only comfort we may take from this is that both climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic require systems of […]
On 30 March 2019, Brunei announced that it would fully implement the Syariah Penal Code Order. The change introduces the penal sentence of hadd, which includes death by stoning for […]
One of the most encouraging sights for those following current affairs in 2018 was the first North Korea – US summit held in Singapore. The event was presaged by symbolic […]
With the price of a single Bitcoin surpassing $4,300 US this week, a reflection on the UNYP Cyber Security and Cryptocurrency event seems timely. Dr. Sally Ernst from the Australian […]
War used to be thought of as a state of armed conflict between two or more countries. Increasingly however, we see war as occurring between opposing non-state groups within a […]
For most of us, intelligent technologies are fundamental parts of our existence. We all have smart phones in our pockets and we live in the era of the ‘Internet of […]